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Philodendron Birkin

Philodendron Birkin

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The Philodendron Birkin is characterized by its lush green leaves with white or yellow pinstripes. A unique hybrid, you won't find this plant in the wild. It is a slow-growing plant that can reach up to 3 feet tall indoors if well cared for.
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Get to Know Philodendron Birkin!


If you want to stay up to date with trends, look for the Philodendron Birkin. This rare mutation of the hybrid Philodendron Rojo Congo stands out because of the unique creamy white or yellow streaks on the green leaves. Be patient, though. The variegation only appears on mature plants, and sometimes it might produce leaves with a reddish tone or part red, part creamy white stripes.

Slow-growing and compact, it's a great plant for small spaces, providing it gets enough bright, indirect light to promote the eye-catching variegation.

Philodendrons have a variety of growth habits, including trailing and climbing, but the Birkin is self-heading with a thick, upright, self-supporting stem, promoting a more tree-like appearance.


They might be hard to kill plants, but Philodendron Birkin aren't impervious to it. One of the biggest problems is overwatering⁠—soggy soil can lead to mushy stems and root rot. Watering thoroughly and allowing the top few inches of soil to dry out before topping up the moisture level works best.

While you don't want the plant to completely dry out, don't panic if you forget to water it occasionally. They're pretty forgiving and usually perk up after a thorough watering. Be sure to drain away any excess water.


Most philodendron species appreciate filtered light, and the Birkin is no exception. A west- or east-facing window with medium bright, indirect light usually works well. To maximize the variegation, you don't want a corner that is too shady, but too much direct sun can scorch the leaves and result in limp, leggy growth. This plant usually appreciates a few hours of light morning sun.

Because the Philodendron Birkin likes to grow toward sunlight, rotating the plant periodically helps promote even growth.


The Birkin is a plant you'll want to keep out of reach if you have children or pets in the house. It is toxic to people and people.

Sad Plant (is your plant dying?)

LEAVES TURNING YELLOW: It's not unusual to see older leaves at the base of the plant yellow and drop, making way for newer, healthier growth above it. However, if you're seeing unattractive yellowing leaves on new growth or in large quantities, it's most likely a sign of overwatering or overfertilization.

BROWN TIPS: When the edges or tips of your plant's foliage start to turn brown, it's likely because you need to up your watering schedule or provide higher humidity levels. If you have a lot of tropical plants, consider investing in a humidity meter. If levels are below 50%, you can use a humidifier, mist your plant, and set it on a tray filled with pebbles and water. Keep it away from heating vents and consider a spot like a bathroom with higher humidity levels.

Browning leaves can also signify that your plant is in a spot where it's receiving too much direct intense sunlight.

CURLING LEAVES: If the leaves are beginning to curl, it might be an early sign that it isn't getting enough moisture. If the top few inches of soil are dry, it's time to water.

Also, avoid overfeeding your plant. Too much fertilizer can result in curling and browning leaves.

DROOPING LEAVES: These tropical plants like to be kept consistently warm and away from draughts. A sign that your Birkin needs a warmer spot is regularly dropping leaves.